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Glenn the Glass Guy

LOW-E GLASS COATINGS: What are they, and how do they work?

Glenn the Glass Guy, Vitro Architectural Glass' (formerly PPG glass) biggest glass and window enthusiast, is happy to share his knowledge of low-e glass coatings with you. Join Glenn in his lab as he explains what low-e coatings are, how they work, the different types available and how they help save on energy costs.

What is Low-E Glass?

Glenn explains what the "e" stands for in low-e glass coatings. He also explains how low-e Glass combats the Sun's energy.

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How does Low-E Glass Work?

Using a special contraption called a Crookes Radiometer, Glenn illustrates just how a microscopic layer of low-e coatings work to repel the sun's energy.

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Types of Low-E Glass?

Glenn is literally beside himself as he demonstrates the different types of low-e coatings available. He also details how these coatings can save homeowners money in energy costs.

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Want to learn more?

Low-e coatings for window glass provide year-round protection from the sun's powerful energy while helping homeowners manage their energy costs. Vitro Residential Window Glass offers several glass products that have low-e coatings for any climate.

Learn more about low-e coatings and their benefits on the Vitro Residential Window Glass website.

Vitro Residential Window Glass